What You Can Do

We seek your support as we ask the Town Council to reject the Petition of the Arapahoe Group LLC for a Zoning Change for a Mixed-Use Development on Arapahoe Rd, LaSalle Rd and Farmington Ave.

If the petition is approved by the council the development would go forward as proposed with no opportunity for the town and its residents to have input on the project. Voting “No” will pause the process and give the town and its residents a chance to engage with the developers in a productive process that will lead to a more appropriate development.

Our goal is to avoid zoning changes and development driven solely by developers. We favor thoughtful development that balances the needs of the community, safety of the neighborhoods and economic development of the town.



Join us at the Public Hearing in a show of wide-spread opposition to the zoning amendment. 

Event Details →


Spread the word

We need as many people as possible to get involved so we can start a greater conversation. Please help us spread our message. 

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Email Town Council

We need as many people as possible to reach out to Town Council to voice their concerns about the Arapahoe Group’s proposed 6+ story development.
