Traffic in OUr Neighborhood

In the Spring of 2022 the town conducted a traffic study on Woodrow Street. The study shows that Woodrow Street is already burdened with exponentially more traffic than surrounding streets. Woodrow Street would be a major feeder street into and out of the Arapahoe Group’s proposed development as it is the only outlet to Arapahoe Road to the West. The additional traffic of the Arapahoe Group’s proposed development would be astronomically detrimental to these residential streets as it would add dangerous amounts of traffic.

Key points from the town’s traffic reports:

  • 63mph: The top recorded speed on Woodrow at 1:22am on a late Saturday night/early Sunday morning. Assuming a 25 mph speed limit, this would be akin to driving 164mph on a highway with a 65mph speed limit.

  • Assuming a 25mph speed limit, the data show a majority of drivers on Woodrow are speeding.

  • There is between 500-1,000% more vehicle volume on Woodrow compared to the three parallel residential streets of Four Mile, Newport, and Riggs. There was a daily average of between 2,025 and 2,513 vehicles on Woodrow (according to an early May 2022 count). Compare that between 251 to 420 for the three parallel residential streets (from an early February 2022 count).

  • The town has acknowledged the additional changes on LaSalle and Farmington pushed more traffic onto Woodrow. Indeed, someone coming from the West is nearly required to turn down Woodrow to access any business on LaSalle between Arapahoe and Farmington. And many cars now use Woodrow as a cut-through to avoid the frequent delays caused by the parking situation on Farmington when in the past they would have turned right on a two-way LaSalle or onto South Main.

  • Residents of have witnessed numerous near misses between vehicles failing to stop at the intersection of Ellsworth and Woodrow. More alarmingly, some have witnessed near misses with pedestrians. And Woodrow is a street with many pedestrians accessing the center. It also has many children living in its homes.

Download the town’s traffic reports:
Report 1, Report 2, Report 3



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